The “Green” Movement

Environmental Protection Agency Seal

Liberalism in Disguise

The “green” movement is slowly crushing us.  Little by little, under the guise of environmentalism and “saving our planet”, we are being conditioned to accept governmental power and are our losing our nation.

It is difficult for many to argue against the concept of being “green” and trying to prevent pollution, when the concept seems so noble on the surface.  There have been many great conservationists, such as Theodore Roosevelt, who saw the benefits of preserving our natural habitats and not razing every inch of our country to the ground for business purposes.  Honestly, very few can argument against the logic of being good stewards of the earth that God has given us, but we have gone too far.  Some are truly worshiping the creation over the Creator and have continued the age-old practice of pantheism.  Yet, the majority are exploiting the moral obligation we have to be good stewards and using it to advance the liberal agenda.

Since the 1970’s, “experts” have been warning of an impending global apocalypse.  Drumming up fears around “global warming”, these scientists and fear-mongers have spoken of the evils of CO2 emissions, pollution, and corporate America.  Of these warnings, the most memorable came from Al Gore’s 2006 prediction that the world had less than ten years before destruction would occur.  (There are currently 3 years, 276 days, and 2.5 hours left)   No matter how subtle or outrageous, all these warnings and outcries have the same common goals: advancing the liberal agenda and covertly transforming the U.S.

Under the Obama Administration, the blind push for “green” energy has led to some incredibly irresponsible investment decisions.  The most notable disaster is the Department of Energy’s loan to Solyndra, a solar-panel maker in California.  The $535 million loan to Solyndra returned little except campaign donations; as the “green” energy company collapsed in 2011 and became one of the first of many energy companies to fold. While Solyndra has become the most memorable company to receive DOE loans, it was not the only one to collapse in the artificially-created “green” energy market.  Multiple other companies have filed for bankruptcy after receiving hundreds of millions in federal loans, including Olsen Mills Co, Ener1, and A123 Systems.

These loans have not only been wasteful and irresponsible, but they have also begun another front in the war to create government dependence and to change the U.S. economy.  As these companies operate in an artificially-controlled bubble, more and more upstart companies are realize the path to initial success is paved by federal loans and not entrepreneurial spirit.  This deliberate governmental interference is attempting to become an accepted and preferred part of the U.S. economy, all masked under the moral argument of making our world more environmentally safer.

In another government endeavor, electric cars are quickly showing to be an absolute failure, as federally-subsidized Chevy Volt’s continue to catch fire and sit on sale lots throughout the nation.  While virtually none were purchased throughout the U.S before March 2012, liberals are now touting a surge in Volt sales, claiming that the car is finally catching on.  What they neglect to mention is that almost every new sale has come from the Obama-friendly GE Corp.’s purchase of the electric vehicles for its company fleet.   As the Volt flops with the public, another DOE loan recipient, Fisker Automotive, is facing severe financial trouble as it is unable to sell its $90,000 electric sports car.  These are just examples of the beginning of government attempts to create un-viable “green” energy powered vehicles.

While energy-creation and “responsibility” is the disguise, the “green” movement’s biggest goal is actually the control of society and fitting them into the extreme-left’s mold of what’s socially acceptable.

Over the last 40 years, the EPA has been the attack dog for this cause, using the “green” argument to slowly advance the liberal agenda.  Emission regulations (SUV’s), lead restrictions (ammunition), and the banning of DDT (over-population) are all examples of the EPA advancing the liberal agenda through its rulings.  On the upcoming gun-control front, the major push to raise the cost of ammunition due to “lead concerns” is promising to return under a second Obama term.

The largest attack currently underway on the U.S. economy is the EPA’s war on the coal industry as it introduces new regulations effectively designed to cripple the industry. The EPA’s new regulations are centered on reducing the CO2 emissions allowed for energy plants to a level which will essentially prevent the opening of any new coal-fire energy plants and burden existing ones.  The new regulations will quickly give rise to consumer energy bills and add new hardships to an already struggling economy.

The more observant should realize that this regulation means that the government and EPA is subsidizing and promoting electric power and “greener” vehicles while shutting down the source of most people’s electricity: Coal. It also calls into question of the real motives of those in power currently and why they would want to remove the ultimate source of the “green” energy they promote?  Pulling the rug out from under “green energy would almost certainly create an energy crisis in the U.S. that is currently unprecedented.

If the war on coal and oil seems unrealistic, consider the following comments by a high-level EPA official released today:

“It was kind of like how the Romans used to, you know, conquer villages in the Mediterranean.  They’d go in to a little Turkish town somewhere, they’d find the first five guys they saw and they’d crucify them.  Then, you know, that town was really easy to manage for the next few years.”

To put it bluntly, the EPA is saying it wants to “crucify” the coal and oil industries.

Although liberals are quick to condemn any references to violence when conservatives speak, they seem to be the ones who actually gravitate to methods of violence. If the previous EPA comments are even mentioned on by the media, there is little doubt that it will be dismissed as “out of context” and “hyperbole”. Rest assured these calls for violence to force “green” ideology are not isolated cases.

Not more than a week ago, climate change activist, Steve Zwick made the following appalling comments:

We know who the active denialists are – not the people who buy the lies, mind you, but the people who create the lies. Let’s start keeping track of them now, and when the famines come, let’s make them pay. Let’s let their houses burn. Let’s swap their safe land for submerged islands. Let’s force them to bear the cost of rising food price.

As if it is not enough to call for violence and the mobbing of “green” dissidents, Oregon University professor, Kari Norgaard, recently commented that anyone who doubts climate change must be “sick” and classified such skepticism as a “mental illness”.

This is the civility that liberals truly are aspiring for.

As these comments continue, it is becoming more and more obvious that liberalism has found a home in “green” ideology and environmentalism.  Yet through their attempts to cause people to doubt their social morality, a backlash is beginning to develop.

Although not even glanced at by the media, multiple NASA scientists, former astronauts, and other officials have signed a letter stating their strong objections to the organizations commitment and belief in man-made global warming.  Their realization of the true “green” agenda has led them out of the wilderness and into reality. Recently, the number of renowned former-climate scientists refuting their former religion is growing and shedding light on the lies they once believed.

While the 2012 campaign begins, we must continue to grow this resistance against this new home for liberalism and speak to the misdirection and true motivations of those who preach it.

As counter-intuitive as it may seem on the surface, the “green” movement must be prevented from transforming the world around us.

The War on Family: A Glimpse into the Liberal Agenda

For a brief moment, the American public got a glimpse of something that is rarely seen: Liberalism’s “War on Family.”

This short glimpse occurred as Hilary Rosen berated Ann Romney on CNN over having “never worked a day in her life”.  While her tirade continued, she simultaneously revealed exactly how liberalism views women, particularly mothers.

For decades, the main goals of feminism and women’s rights movements have been portrayed as striving for “equal rights” and “equal pay”.  If these were the true goals of radical liberalism, all would be good and well in the world.  Yet, these are just parts of a masquerade created to conceal the actual goal of a long-term “War on Family”.

For almost a month, Democrats, including Obama, have been accusing the GOP of waging a “War on Women”, citing opposition to the “Contraception Mandate” and attacks on Sandra Fluke’s “testimony” to Congress.  In all these attacks, there has been little that was not intentionally manufactured and staged in advance by DNC operatives, including the awkward question to Romney on birth control in a January GOP debate.  One of these operatives was Hilary Rosen, who visited the Obama White House thirty-six times in the last three years and partnered with Anita Dunn to stage the Sandra Fluke testimony last month.

When given the chance, Rosen opened fire on Ann Romney; not for her opposing beliefs, but for being a stay-at-home mother.  According to the liberal view, raising a family cannot possibly be work, but rather an oppressive role forced upon women by the traditional concept of family.   Rosen and like-minded liberals target their hate towards the American family formula, as they see the family as counter-productive to the cause of women’s “independence”.  In their skewed world, children are shackles and husbands are oppressors, resulting in their disdain for career mothers and conservative women.

Ann Romney is that strong conservative woman.

Her entire life story threatens the hollow walls radical feminism has spent years to construct. Mrs. Romney, a breast cancer survivor, has raised five boys and committed her life to the cause of motherhood; going against the modern liberal mantra of career first, family optional.  When combined with that fact that she has multiple sclerosis, Mrs. Romney becomes a symbol of the strength and courage a stay-at-home mother must have and what she can achieve.  For Rosen, this lifestyle is does not fit into the mold of the “modern women”, who must achieve a fulfilled career and spend years fighting against the injustices of the male-dominated world.   It never even occurs to the Rosen’s of the world that motherhood is a career, noble of recognition and more advanced than any public-relations position a presidential administration could offer.

This “War on Family” is not new, but has simply been exposed again by this brief lack of verbal restraint.  In the early-90’s, Hilary Clinton exposed the agenda concisely, saying:

“I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but what I decided to do was to fulfill my profession…”

Teresa Heinz-Kerry let her disdain for non-career mothers show through in 2004, claiming:

“I don’t know Laura Bush. But she seems to be calm, and she has a sparkle in her eye, which is good. But I don’t know that she’s ever had a real job I mean, since she’s been grown up.”

Even yesterday, President Obama attempted to cleverly take the side of Rosen when he said:  

“…we didn’t have the luxury for her [Michelle Obama] not to work.”

By making this statement, Obama made it clear that he believes the work of a “stay-at-home” mother is a “luxury”, as if raising children ends at 5pm every day.
While income is relative to one’s spending structure, the Obama’s clearly made a life-choice to balance raising children with their careers. In this free nation, this personal decision should be respected as theirs to make. Yet, this freedom to decide does not seem to apply to conservative mothers or Ann Romney. For all the diversity and tolerance the Left preaches, there does not seem to be much room for respect and acceptance of career mothers and their priorities in life.

Within only a couple of days, the Obama campaign’s artificially created “GOP War on Women” has boomeranged into a full-bodied spotlight into the soul of the liberal perspective on a women’s place in society.

As the general election fight shifts into high-gear, this blatant attack on family is only the beginning of what is planned for the remainder of the year.  As conservatives, we must continue to keep the spotlight on this true agenda and on liberal’s gender stereotyping of women in today’s political arena.

We must defend Ann Romney and a women’s right to choose a career in motherhood and child-rearing.

It’s Time to Saddle Up

A broad metal chain.

As Rick Santorum suspended his campaign yesterday, Mitt Romney appears to have become the inevitable GOP nominee.  Due to the aggressive nature of the GOP primary season this year, there are no doubt many hurt feelings and cries of outrage.  Many are feeling anger and extreme disappointment, as Mitt Romney was clearly not even the second choice of many conservatives and the Tea Party. To be honest, Romney was not my first or second choice, either.  Yet, the table has been set and it’s time for us to re-adjust our focus.

While it has been a nasty six months of campaigning between the “establishment” candidate and the ever-changing “conservative” choice, we have now must prepare for a political war that hasn’t been experienced since Hamilton and Jefferson.  As conservatives, we must understand that the 2012 election means a complete change in the course for the United States.  There will be no going back from our decision in November, as Obama has already indicated his real agendas are still secret.  Implementation of “ObamaCare” alone in 2014 will ensure a complete remodel of society and the economy we live in.  The addition of another four years of socialistic policies would certainly bring us to an unimaginable place in our history, perhaps with even violent results. This is why we cannot afford to backbite and hold grudges over our issues with Romney anymore.

The stakes are too high and the result is too permanent. Our future generations deserve our present participation.

For some, this concept of uniting behind Mitt Romney and the “Establishment” may drudge up resistance and anger, yet consider these following reasons why we must unite in our battle.

Conservatism and the Tea Party have come extremely far in the GOP since 2008.  Due to the nomination of John McCain, conservatism has surged in the last four years and has become a major force in the Republican Party.  The crescendo from the ‘10 mid-term elections sent numerous freshmen congressmen to D.C. along with a new mandate and direction.  If we can dump our short-term memory and remember these strings of victories, it should become obvious we cannot afford to take any steps backward in 2012.  In 2008, it would have been inconceivable that grassroot-conservative members of the GOP could become such a strong force in the nominating process.   Yet, here we stand having changed the face of the GOP and beginning a journey back to the days of Reagan.  To stop or to sit-out the election now would halt the significant progress made and would begin to send the political environment back towards the status-quo.

Mitt Romney is a viable candidate.  It is very popular right now to claim that Romney cannot beat Obama in the general election.  It is easy to buy into this myth when it is combined with the frustration of other candidates losing to the “Establishment pick”.   While the frustration is warranted, we have to remember who his opponent is: Barack Obama   

Romney faces the most radical President in our nation’s history.  As a magnified version of Jimmy Carter, he has overseen soaring unemployment and gas prices, while the economy and the public’s’ moral simultaneously collapse.  Compared to President Obama, Romney has the potential to appear as a strong, fiscally-conservative alternative.  Even with Romney’s former healthcare law and “flip-flops” on past beliefs, comparisons of him to Obama are a stretch, at best.  There is no record indicating Mitt Romney would suspend oil-drilling in the gulf, criticize/threaten the Supreme Court, or even attempt to bypass the U.S. Congress whenever beneficial.  More importantly, Mitt Romney shows very little contempt or blatant disregard for the foundation of the United States, compared with our current leader.  With the economy failing, Barack Obama is extremely beatable by any candidate the GOP could have put forward this year, even Mitt Romney.

This election may be the last chance for the United States.  As the President’s current and future policies create more inflation, debt, and social division; the window for a change in direction is closing extremely quickly.  As mentioned before, the implementation of ObamaCare in 2014 will alone cripple the deficit and economy.   Each of the divisive policies from the current Administration will become amplified in a second term, furthering the goal of creating a government-dependent society.   If this dependent-society is achieved over another Obama term, the GOP nominee in ’16 may not matter.

Even more important than all the potential policies of a second Obama term are the Supreme Court nominees that are sure to be selected in the next four years.  If Obama is allowed to stack the court with liberal justices, then control of the other branches will be strongly irrelevant.  The Supreme Court will become the new policy-maker, approving and overturning laws based on the liberal agenda, not the U.S. Constitution.

To defeat Barack Obama, conservatives must begin to rally behind Mitt Romney in the next few weeks.  It is a make or break moment, as the nation must choose between embracing the radical changes of this administration and returning to its capitalistic roots. This year, conservatives must unite and fight for their beliefs and their country.  We should be extremely proud of the progress made in the last four years and be encouraged by the battle seen during the primary.

This November, we must realize the Presidency is within our grasp.  We just have to saddle up and take it.

Reality Check: Focusing on the Real Objective

President Barack Obama listens to a question f...

He will be defined by his policies....

As the GOP Primary rages on, there is currently a lot of rhetoric flying around.  As two (three or four?) potential candidates battle for the nomination and for conservative votes, a lot of heated comments are being exchanged.   Anyone who remembers the 2008 primary knows that this did not hurt our current President at all, as he tangled with Hillary Clinton.  In fact, it was quickly forgotten as the liberals fell in line to support the nominee.

Looking at today’s race, the same battle is occurring again between Romney and Santorum (Gingrich, Paul too?).

Each nominee’s camp is claiming that only THEY can defeat Barack Obama, providing a laundry list of reasons to support their claim. It is concerning that so many people are getting caught up (at times, I too) in the fight for their candidate to get the nomination, that they may be losing sight of what got us to this point in the first place. Take a moment and realize that whether “Obama-lite” Romney or “life-time politician” Santorum wins the nomination, this election is not going to be about the GOP candidate; it will be about one man’s desecration and attempted destruction of a nation.

November 2012 will be about Barack Obama.

In an ABC News poll, Two-thirds (67%) of Americans want the Supreme Court to strike down the individual mandate in “Obama-Care”.  In addition, the almighty “independents” that supposedly govern elections oppose the law 51% – 43% as well.  Since we’ve been told repeatedly that Independents are the only real objective in a national election, this should be enough proof to solidify a GOP win.   If that is not enough, not even two weeks ago, another poll, this time from the WaPo, showed that Obama’s disapproval rating hit a new high of 50%.  These are only two recent surveys that have thrown the mainstream media and the White House into panic.  The idea that these sentiments overwhelmingly exist in the country but somehow translate into an Obama victory is not logical. A majority cannot adamantly oppose a President’s key achievement and support him at the same time.   As much as he tries to avoid it, Obama cannot escape the fact that he will be judged by his actions in November.

If you do not trust polls and are still not convinced that the GOP attacks on each other will be almost irrelevant, consider this…

In 2010, GOP candidates won in a landslide against almost every Democratic challenger, resulting in a re-taking of the House and almost the Senate.   In a special election in 2011, New York District 9 elected its first GOP Rep. since 1920.  These protest votes against Barack Obama were unpredicted and under-reported by the media in an attempt to conceal the strong message that voters sent to D.C.

Nothing has changed since then, except that our nation’s situation has grown even more precarious.  We are two years away from nationalized health care being fully implemented, the constitution is being trampled on every day, and governmental organizations are becoming the channels in which to bypass Congress.  Without a doubt, America realizes it.

The idea that 2010’s sentiment has dissipated is absurd.  Americans across this country who indiscriminately protested against Obama through their votes in 2010 now have the object of their anger on the ballot this year.   What should be obvious is that this groundswell of anti-Democrat voters is being and will continue to be unrecognized by most media channels until several days before the November elections; at which point, it will be labeled a “surprise” and an “unprecedented” movement.   We must realize this cover-up of the majority’s opinions is an attempt to suppress any and every damaging vote possible.

Just remember that in several months the GOP primary will have ended and there will be a nominee.  The most difficult part for some will be realigning their focus and attempting to defend the nominee that they had been trying to destroy for months.  Fortunately, many out there, just like the late-Andrew Breitbart, are keeping their sights on the real enemy and the most important vote in our country’s history.   They understand that 2012 is not a year to support third-party candidates or sit-out the election in protest and that the furious battle in the GOP will end with a large group being majorly disappointed.   In November, only one of these four men will remain standing and ready to appear on the ballot against the President, and most of the efforts put forth in the primary will no longer matter.

This is why we must stay focused on the real mission of exposing and defeating Barack Obama. 

A Democracy?

“Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner”

 – James Bovard


English: Detail of Preamble to Constitution of...

Democracy vs. Republic

It is frightening when I hear someone refer to this country as a democracy.  Often times, it is elected officials, trying to speak in a language that sounds eloquent and patriotic.  Why does it frightening me? Mainly because the United States contains some portions of a democracy; but, in the end, is and was intended to be closer to a Republic.

Perhaps it may seem as if it is really is just an issue of definitions, but what if it is a whole lot more than that?  What if it is planned and an attempt to establish this democratic set-up?

Let’s look at what a democracy actually is.

Suppose a small group of people approach you and your family while you are walking down the street.  This group encircles your family and demands that you give your wallets, purses, and other valuables to them. Being that you are outnumbered, you comply with your oppressors’ demands.  Being robbed of everything you had on you, your captors are now appeased and they disappear.   The basic concept of Democracy supports what just happened.

Want to counter-argue that the example sounds extreme and there are laws prohibiting what just happened?

Let’s say the country just voted to make it legal to take others’ property?  A pure democracy would support this too; because democracy is based on the concept that majority rule is the final decision.  It does not matter what is deemed right, wrong, ethical, or unethical because the majority have decided what is to happen.

Democracy is mob rule.

For a simple definition, a Republic has boundaries that serve to protect from mob rule and shield individuals or groups from errant majority opinions.  The U.S. was intended to have the will of the people expressed and to guide the nation, but there is a severe difference from Democracy.  This difference is that if at any time the will of the majority of people goes outside the bounds of the U.S. Constitution, then it is to be rejected.

In all correctness, the United States is a Democratic Republic, in which the majority (voters) chooses through (representation) to make decisions for the country.  All these decisions by the majority’s elected officials are tempered through the court system.  If challenged, the courts then decide whether laws passed are within the boundaries set by the constitution.

Fast forward to today’s current hot topics and look how the concept of democracy has taken a tight grasp on many people’s thinking.

There are groups calling for the government to force religious groups to violate their convictions and provide free contraception.  On another front, there are people calling for the rich to pay an undetermined “fair share” of taxes, with talk of 99% against the 1%.  The whole concept of a 99% is ploy to stoke these democratic sentiments.

If the United States was a democracy, as some desire; these actions would have happened without any questioning of the legality. In fact, the 1% wealthy could have every penny taken legally from them if the 99% decided that was what they wanted.

This is why we have a Democratic Party and a Republican Party, and why the term “democracy” has been carefully turned into an acceptable description of our nation.  In basic, the Democratic Party theoretically is based on the belief that the will of the people is what matters, no matter what the majority supports at the moment.

It is mob rule vs. individual rights. 


“Democracy is the road to socialism.” – Karl Marx