Mic Check: Obama’s Desire for “Flexibility”

Wnmh microphone

President Obama got to experience open mic night at the Nuclear Security Summit this past week, while speaking with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

Under the impression that their microphones were off, President Obama made the following comments:

“On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him [Putin] to give me space.”   “This is my last election.  After my election I have more flexibility.”

President Medvedev agreed and said he would pass along the sentiments to Putin, who will be taking Medvedev’s position this May. The comments should be a startling wake-up call to those who realize that Russia has and still is our main rival in the global arena, as they oppose the U.S. on almost every issue.

Obama’s gaffe begs us to question what this “flexibility” will bring and why he cannot share his goals with the American people before the election.

What is already known is that the START treaty already agreed to by Obama and Medvedev effectively commits the United States to reducing nuclear stockpiles, without forcing Russia to make any similar concessions.  Not more than ten days ago, the President also stated his intent to bring about nuclear disarmament, saying:

“I believe the United States has a unique responsibility to act — indeed, we have a moral obligation.”

Fortunately for us, the microphone caught our President expressing his true intentions.  Clearly, Obama recognizes that his plan and intentions will be unpopular and against the desires of the people, as he intends to give our global rival the upper-hand in military might.  After all, it would stand to reason that a majority of U.S. citizens would object to their President essentially disarming the nation and strengthening our most prominent rival, Russia.

It is a scary reality that we could be one election away from handing over our military superiority to our enemy. 

His goal of crippling U.S. defense is not the only insight we have gleaned from Obama’s hot mic incident. Let’s take his comments a step farther and to a deeper context.

If it is not already obvious, it should become completely clear now that we have a President who is not concerned with America’s interests or the will of her people.  In fact, he is so focused and obsessed with liberal ideals and objectives that he cannot bring himself to even propose a budget that would garner one Democrat representative vote in the House (the budget failed 414 – 0).   This obsession is so strong that it seems very likely that it will be his undoing this November, as almost every “accomplishment” of this Administration seems to be disliked by well-over half the population.

If President Obama is focused only with his ideals and liberal agenda and is willing to govern against the American people, then what can we expect if he was to win the November election?

To look forward at what may lie ahead, let’s take a glance at what the last four years has brought us. 

In what was intended to be Obama’s crowning achievement, ObamaCare (ACA) has currently deeply divided the nation and rests in the hands of the Supreme Court.  The proposal was incredibly unpopular before passage and the unpopularity has increased as each new “surprise” from the un-read 2,800 page bill is announced, including currently unfunded sub-programs to a $1 premium to support abortions.  Along with the bill came the expansion of federal power to mandate citizens make purchases, with no regard for their desire. In addition, ObamaCare will for all intents and purposes destroy private health insurance companies, paving the way for government-only healthcare.

In another first-term act, the Fast & Furious cover-up hit America upside the head, as the DOJ forced border town gun shops to sell guns illegally to known Mexican cartel members.  The DOJ (intentionally?) lost the cartel members and weapons as they disappeared into Mexico, resulting in the DOJ effectively arming Mexican drug gangs. The less-reported intent for this “operation” was to create reasons for the Administration to tighten restrictions on gun shops and gun ownership in the name of public safety, as U.S. weapons would have been reported as being used by Mexican gangs.  Sadly, this “operation” became public when a Border Patrol agent was killed with one of the very guns the DOJ let disappear.  The reports eventually could no longer go unreported by mainstream outlets and the Administration’s war on the 2nd Amendment was exposed.  There can be little doubt that this war will continue more publically in a second term, as Obama’s “flexibility” increases.

We can expect “green energy” loans to continue through another Obama term, as they turn out to be major donors to the Democratic Party.  The push for “green energy” seems to be an especially important to President Obama, as numerous “green” companies receive these loans, despite the major collapses of Solyndra, Fisker, and the Chevy Volt experiment.  The main reason for his fondness in this artificially-created sector is due to the large amount of money received from these companies in political donations, revealing a large-scale embezzlement scheme.

Although preached fervently against while a junior-U.S. Senator, Obama has managed to increase the national debt and raise the debt ceiling  to astronomical levels.  In a true form of hypocrisy, Obama has managed to increase the debt level $4.2 trillion in his term, with the majority occurring in his first two years.  To put this into perspective, the first 41 presidents raised the debt limit $4.1 trillion, over 220 years.   If Obama can spend $4.1 trillion in a little over two years, how much can he spend with four “flexible” years?

Perhaps the most dangerous trend certain to continue in a second term is Obama’s lack of belief in the U.S. Constitution, the separation of powers, and his bypassing of Congress for almost every action his Administration has taken. From undercover mortgage deals to unconstitutional appointment of positions and Presidential Czars, Obama has shown his severe disdain for the Congressional branch of our Democratic-Republic and its Constitution. There is no way to know what Obama’s “flexibility” bring in this area, as the sky seems to be the limit for his aspirations to run the government entirely from the White House.  His power-grab intentions will be emboldened by his ability to stack the U.S. Supreme Court with activist justices, thus reinforcing his ability to command whatever actions he sees fit. Only a successful impeachment by Congress would be able to stop the President as he pulls out all the stops on his liberal agenda.  This leads to the conclusion that the United States will be drastically changed and fundamentally destroyed if the President is given “flexibility” in a second term.

Being able to hear President Obama’s comments to our rival’s leader may have given us one of the best insights into what lays in store for us, if we fail to rise up and remove him from his post.  This is why we cannot be split over policy issues or which GOP candidate is nominated; but rather we must unite and rally for the sake of the nation we love.

We must give Barack Obama the “flexibility” that only comes with being removed from the Office of President.

Reality Check: Focusing on the Real Objective

President Barack Obama listens to a question f...

He will be defined by his policies....

As the GOP Primary rages on, there is currently a lot of rhetoric flying around.  As two (three or four?) potential candidates battle for the nomination and for conservative votes, a lot of heated comments are being exchanged.   Anyone who remembers the 2008 primary knows that this did not hurt our current President at all, as he tangled with Hillary Clinton.  In fact, it was quickly forgotten as the liberals fell in line to support the nominee.

Looking at today’s race, the same battle is occurring again between Romney and Santorum (Gingrich, Paul too?).

Each nominee’s camp is claiming that only THEY can defeat Barack Obama, providing a laundry list of reasons to support their claim. It is concerning that so many people are getting caught up (at times, I too) in the fight for their candidate to get the nomination, that they may be losing sight of what got us to this point in the first place. Take a moment and realize that whether “Obama-lite” Romney or “life-time politician” Santorum wins the nomination, this election is not going to be about the GOP candidate; it will be about one man’s desecration and attempted destruction of a nation.

November 2012 will be about Barack Obama.

In an ABC News poll, Two-thirds (67%) of Americans want the Supreme Court to strike down the individual mandate in “Obama-Care”.  In addition, the almighty “independents” that supposedly govern elections oppose the law 51% – 43% as well.  Since we’ve been told repeatedly that Independents are the only real objective in a national election, this should be enough proof to solidify a GOP win.   If that is not enough, not even two weeks ago, another poll, this time from the WaPo, showed that Obama’s disapproval rating hit a new high of 50%.  These are only two recent surveys that have thrown the mainstream media and the White House into panic.  The idea that these sentiments overwhelmingly exist in the country but somehow translate into an Obama victory is not logical. A majority cannot adamantly oppose a President’s key achievement and support him at the same time.   As much as he tries to avoid it, Obama cannot escape the fact that he will be judged by his actions in November.

If you do not trust polls and are still not convinced that the GOP attacks on each other will be almost irrelevant, consider this…

In 2010, GOP candidates won in a landslide against almost every Democratic challenger, resulting in a re-taking of the House and almost the Senate.   In a special election in 2011, New York District 9 elected its first GOP Rep. since 1920.  These protest votes against Barack Obama were unpredicted and under-reported by the media in an attempt to conceal the strong message that voters sent to D.C.

Nothing has changed since then, except that our nation’s situation has grown even more precarious.  We are two years away from nationalized health care being fully implemented, the constitution is being trampled on every day, and governmental organizations are becoming the channels in which to bypass Congress.  Without a doubt, America realizes it.

The idea that 2010’s sentiment has dissipated is absurd.  Americans across this country who indiscriminately protested against Obama through their votes in 2010 now have the object of their anger on the ballot this year.   What should be obvious is that this groundswell of anti-Democrat voters is being and will continue to be unrecognized by most media channels until several days before the November elections; at which point, it will be labeled a “surprise” and an “unprecedented” movement.   We must realize this cover-up of the majority’s opinions is an attempt to suppress any and every damaging vote possible.

Just remember that in several months the GOP primary will have ended and there will be a nominee.  The most difficult part for some will be realigning their focus and attempting to defend the nominee that they had been trying to destroy for months.  Fortunately, many out there, just like the late-Andrew Breitbart, are keeping their sights on the real enemy and the most important vote in our country’s history.   They understand that 2012 is not a year to support third-party candidates or sit-out the election in protest and that the furious battle in the GOP will end with a large group being majorly disappointed.   In November, only one of these four men will remain standing and ready to appear on the ballot against the President, and most of the efforts put forth in the primary will no longer matter.

This is why we must stay focused on the real mission of exposing and defeating Barack Obama.