It’s Time to Saddle Up

A broad metal chain.

As Rick Santorum suspended his campaign yesterday, Mitt Romney appears to have become the inevitable GOP nominee.  Due to the aggressive nature of the GOP primary season this year, there are no doubt many hurt feelings and cries of outrage.  Many are feeling anger and extreme disappointment, as Mitt Romney was clearly not even the second choice of many conservatives and the Tea Party. To be honest, Romney was not my first or second choice, either.  Yet, the table has been set and it’s time for us to re-adjust our focus.

While it has been a nasty six months of campaigning between the “establishment” candidate and the ever-changing “conservative” choice, we have now must prepare for a political war that hasn’t been experienced since Hamilton and Jefferson.  As conservatives, we must understand that the 2012 election means a complete change in the course for the United States.  There will be no going back from our decision in November, as Obama has already indicated his real agendas are still secret.  Implementation of “ObamaCare” alone in 2014 will ensure a complete remodel of society and the economy we live in.  The addition of another four years of socialistic policies would certainly bring us to an unimaginable place in our history, perhaps with even violent results. This is why we cannot afford to backbite and hold grudges over our issues with Romney anymore.

The stakes are too high and the result is too permanent. Our future generations deserve our present participation.

For some, this concept of uniting behind Mitt Romney and the “Establishment” may drudge up resistance and anger, yet consider these following reasons why we must unite in our battle.

Conservatism and the Tea Party have come extremely far in the GOP since 2008.  Due to the nomination of John McCain, conservatism has surged in the last four years and has become a major force in the Republican Party.  The crescendo from the ‘10 mid-term elections sent numerous freshmen congressmen to D.C. along with a new mandate and direction.  If we can dump our short-term memory and remember these strings of victories, it should become obvious we cannot afford to take any steps backward in 2012.  In 2008, it would have been inconceivable that grassroot-conservative members of the GOP could become such a strong force in the nominating process.   Yet, here we stand having changed the face of the GOP and beginning a journey back to the days of Reagan.  To stop or to sit-out the election now would halt the significant progress made and would begin to send the political environment back towards the status-quo.

Mitt Romney is a viable candidate.  It is very popular right now to claim that Romney cannot beat Obama in the general election.  It is easy to buy into this myth when it is combined with the frustration of other candidates losing to the “Establishment pick”.   While the frustration is warranted, we have to remember who his opponent is: Barack Obama   

Romney faces the most radical President in our nation’s history.  As a magnified version of Jimmy Carter, he has overseen soaring unemployment and gas prices, while the economy and the public’s’ moral simultaneously collapse.  Compared to President Obama, Romney has the potential to appear as a strong, fiscally-conservative alternative.  Even with Romney’s former healthcare law and “flip-flops” on past beliefs, comparisons of him to Obama are a stretch, at best.  There is no record indicating Mitt Romney would suspend oil-drilling in the gulf, criticize/threaten the Supreme Court, or even attempt to bypass the U.S. Congress whenever beneficial.  More importantly, Mitt Romney shows very little contempt or blatant disregard for the foundation of the United States, compared with our current leader.  With the economy failing, Barack Obama is extremely beatable by any candidate the GOP could have put forward this year, even Mitt Romney.

This election may be the last chance for the United States.  As the President’s current and future policies create more inflation, debt, and social division; the window for a change in direction is closing extremely quickly.  As mentioned before, the implementation of ObamaCare in 2014 will alone cripple the deficit and economy.   Each of the divisive policies from the current Administration will become amplified in a second term, furthering the goal of creating a government-dependent society.   If this dependent-society is achieved over another Obama term, the GOP nominee in ’16 may not matter.

Even more important than all the potential policies of a second Obama term are the Supreme Court nominees that are sure to be selected in the next four years.  If Obama is allowed to stack the court with liberal justices, then control of the other branches will be strongly irrelevant.  The Supreme Court will become the new policy-maker, approving and overturning laws based on the liberal agenda, not the U.S. Constitution.

To defeat Barack Obama, conservatives must begin to rally behind Mitt Romney in the next few weeks.  It is a make or break moment, as the nation must choose between embracing the radical changes of this administration and returning to its capitalistic roots. This year, conservatives must unite and fight for their beliefs and their country.  We should be extremely proud of the progress made in the last four years and be encouraged by the battle seen during the primary.

This November, we must realize the Presidency is within our grasp.  We just have to saddle up and take it.

Reality Check: Focusing on the Real Objective

President Barack Obama listens to a question f...

He will be defined by his policies....

As the GOP Primary rages on, there is currently a lot of rhetoric flying around.  As two (three or four?) potential candidates battle for the nomination and for conservative votes, a lot of heated comments are being exchanged.   Anyone who remembers the 2008 primary knows that this did not hurt our current President at all, as he tangled with Hillary Clinton.  In fact, it was quickly forgotten as the liberals fell in line to support the nominee.

Looking at today’s race, the same battle is occurring again between Romney and Santorum (Gingrich, Paul too?).

Each nominee’s camp is claiming that only THEY can defeat Barack Obama, providing a laundry list of reasons to support their claim. It is concerning that so many people are getting caught up (at times, I too) in the fight for their candidate to get the nomination, that they may be losing sight of what got us to this point in the first place. Take a moment and realize that whether “Obama-lite” Romney or “life-time politician” Santorum wins the nomination, this election is not going to be about the GOP candidate; it will be about one man’s desecration and attempted destruction of a nation.

November 2012 will be about Barack Obama.

In an ABC News poll, Two-thirds (67%) of Americans want the Supreme Court to strike down the individual mandate in “Obama-Care”.  In addition, the almighty “independents” that supposedly govern elections oppose the law 51% – 43% as well.  Since we’ve been told repeatedly that Independents are the only real objective in a national election, this should be enough proof to solidify a GOP win.   If that is not enough, not even two weeks ago, another poll, this time from the WaPo, showed that Obama’s disapproval rating hit a new high of 50%.  These are only two recent surveys that have thrown the mainstream media and the White House into panic.  The idea that these sentiments overwhelmingly exist in the country but somehow translate into an Obama victory is not logical. A majority cannot adamantly oppose a President’s key achievement and support him at the same time.   As much as he tries to avoid it, Obama cannot escape the fact that he will be judged by his actions in November.

If you do not trust polls and are still not convinced that the GOP attacks on each other will be almost irrelevant, consider this…

In 2010, GOP candidates won in a landslide against almost every Democratic challenger, resulting in a re-taking of the House and almost the Senate.   In a special election in 2011, New York District 9 elected its first GOP Rep. since 1920.  These protest votes against Barack Obama were unpredicted and under-reported by the media in an attempt to conceal the strong message that voters sent to D.C.

Nothing has changed since then, except that our nation’s situation has grown even more precarious.  We are two years away from nationalized health care being fully implemented, the constitution is being trampled on every day, and governmental organizations are becoming the channels in which to bypass Congress.  Without a doubt, America realizes it.

The idea that 2010’s sentiment has dissipated is absurd.  Americans across this country who indiscriminately protested against Obama through their votes in 2010 now have the object of their anger on the ballot this year.   What should be obvious is that this groundswell of anti-Democrat voters is being and will continue to be unrecognized by most media channels until several days before the November elections; at which point, it will be labeled a “surprise” and an “unprecedented” movement.   We must realize this cover-up of the majority’s opinions is an attempt to suppress any and every damaging vote possible.

Just remember that in several months the GOP primary will have ended and there will be a nominee.  The most difficult part for some will be realigning their focus and attempting to defend the nominee that they had been trying to destroy for months.  Fortunately, many out there, just like the late-Andrew Breitbart, are keeping their sights on the real enemy and the most important vote in our country’s history.   They understand that 2012 is not a year to support third-party candidates or sit-out the election in protest and that the furious battle in the GOP will end with a large group being majorly disappointed.   In November, only one of these four men will remain standing and ready to appear on the ballot against the President, and most of the efforts put forth in the primary will no longer matter.

This is why we must stay focused on the real mission of exposing and defeating Barack Obama.