Mob Rule: Judge, Jury, and Executioner

Shelby County Courthouse, Memphis, Tennessee, USA

The definition of "Justice" is at stake

The Trayvon Martin controversy is a perfect example of Democracy at work.

As one of my previous articles explained, Democracy is majority rule, with no regards for anything but the simple will of the mob.  Let’s look into how Mr. Zimmerman is facing the danger that Democracy presents.

From the moment this incident broke in the news (although an “old” story by media standards), civil right leaders and minority groups have been claiming that an act of racism had taken place.  Protests have continued, claiming that the local authorities should have already arrested George Zimmerman, the watch leader, although the case is still being investigated.  Even several walk-outs have been staged at local high schools, and a “million hoodie march” has occurred for Trayvon last week.

All of these events have one common goal: the arrest of George Zimmerman.  

As a result of the protests, the police chief has stepped down temporarily, hoping to remove some of the anger.  These events now include the presence of Al Sharpton, who recently said:

“We wanted to come out and say we did not come here for a temporary leave of absence,  we came for permanent justice….Arrest Zimmerman now! That’s what this rally is about”

Arrest him for what?  The officials have stated they don’t know exactly what happened yet, so are we to arrest Zimmerman because he shot, justified or unjustified, an African-American?   Apparently, Martin’s father thinks so, saying:

“Had Treyvon been a white kid … Zimmerman would have been arrested.”

Furthermore, the New Black Panther Party has issued a “Dead or Alive” poster offering $10,000 for the “capture” of Mr. Zimmerman, who has gone into hiding.   Aiding in that quest today, Spike Lee tweeted Mr. Zimmerman’s address, which only added to the level of danger he is now facing.

Do not misunderstand, I am not currently defending Zimmerman but rather defending our Constitutional right (5th, 6th, & 14th  Amendments) to be considered innocent until proven guilty.   In fact, if Zimmerman is shown to have killed this boy in an act of racism, discrimination, or for any unjust reason; I say throw the book at him.   Until then, if race is used a factor for imprisonment or conviction, we will have a major problem in the United States.

By definition, what is occurring in Florida is practically the forming of a lynch mob against a Hispanic citizen of the United States.  That’s right, Mr. Zimmeran is Hispanic, not white, as Al Sharpton’s manual for crisis exploitation would generally recommend.  Mr. Zimmerman has been already tried and convicted by society.   He has been deemed guilty and ready for punishment, with no need for a lawyer, judge, or jury.

What we are witnessing is attempted mob rule: A “perceived” majority of individuals crying for punishment of a citizen, without even knowing his guilt.  The only reason provided by this particular mob to show Zimmerman’s guilt is that he shot an African-American boy wearing a hoodie.   There is no interest in seeing the undisclosed facts or any patience for a resolution.  Instead, constitutional rights have been thrown out the window and the desire to see this man penalized has overtaken all rational thought.

This is where Democracy and the Democratic Party takes us: Rule by riots, protests, and decisions made to satisfy the mob.  As long as the majority is satisfied in their erratic emotional causes, then nothing else matters, not even the attempts to find an individual innocent or guilty.  Consequently, the U.S. Constitution is being trampled under the feet of a “million” hoodie-wearing Americans.

Although mentioned before, consider that Zimmerman has literally had a “Dead or Alive” $10,000 bounty issued against him, not more than 24 hours after HIS President used racial comments as his “main message” regarding the incident.

If no bodily harm comes to him and if he is found innocent, his reputation has been forever damaged; a textbook case of what can happen when the public turns against you.  He will also have become a case study for multiple groups, causes, and college courses.  Although it remains to be proven, Zimmerman has been labeled a “cracker”, “racist”, and “murderer”.

The mob has actively waged war on a United States citizen.

It continues to grow as fuel is being thrown on the flames by prominent individuals, including the President of the United States.

It is times like these, that our Constitution and founding documents are almost the only things holding this society from imprisoning (or worse) someone who has yet to be convicted or even charged with a crime.  This is why we were given these personal rights and freedoms, so that individuals would be protected from the masses.

The situation in Florida is not an anomaly. It is what pure Democracy and the Democratic Party will bring us.

Obama’s “Main Message”

“My main message is to the parents of Trayvon Martin. You know, if I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.”                                                                                                       – Barack Obama

That’s Barack Obama’s main message to the parents of the boy who was shot and killed last week by a former neighborhood watch leader?  George Zimmerman, the watch leader, has claimed self-defense in the shooting, although the police have not finished investigating his claim. Repeatedly, the local police authorities have said that they are investigating what exactly happened; and at first glance, there may be some potential holes to the former watch leader’s story.  In the end, the story will unfold and more will be revealed.

So the most powerful man in the world’s “Main Message” to these grieving parents is that HIS son, if he had one, would look like theirs.  In twenty-one words, the President of the United States interjected himself into a state criminal investigation with a racial statement, as influential civil rights organizers began to incite crowds into a frenzy over perceived injustices.

As if sensing an opportunity, Barack Obama, who was hailed as “The Great Uniter” in 2008, willfully took the time to subtly play the race card.  Not only had his DOJ, led by Eric Holder, began reviewing the case almost immediately; but the President felt it was necessary to comment at a completely unrelated press conference.  His choice of words which included referencing looks and his own imaginary son has only shown that our President clearly sees events through the prism of race.   If that seems too much of a stretch, then imagine George Bush saying the same exact comment if Trayvon had been white.  At the minimum, one could argue it was a poor choice of words at a time when claims of racism are being fueled.  All Obama had to do, if anything at all, was offer his condolences to the family and express confidence that the authorities would thoroughly investigate.

It could have been that simple.   Instead, the President, even if unintentionally, invoked race and fanned the flames in Florida.  If not as generous as the previous statement, one cannot help but wonder why the President did not comment on and why the DOJ didn’t investigate Melissa Coon’s son in Kansas City, MO.

While walking down the street several blocks from her house, Ms. Coon’s 13-year old son was jumped by two teenagers who doused him in gasoline and then set him on fire.  As they began to douse him, they said, “This is what you deserve. You get what you deserve, white boy.”  Yes, Ms. Coon’s son was white and the attackers were two black teenagers.  Ms. Coon’s son received burns to the face and body and was rushed to the local emergency room.  Fortunately, he survived the attack and still is alive today.  The two teenagers have never been caught and almost not a word was ever mentioned by anyone in the mainstream media.  While the Florida case resulted in a death, it is clear that this attack in Kansas City was definitely a hate crime and there is little ambiguity to details of the event.

Yet, no one is holding their breath for any attention over a crime against a white 13 year-old in the Midwest, as there is no political advantage for Obama or the mainstream media in acknowledging this particular event. The political calculations made by Obama clearly dictate a need to bring excitement to the African-American vote, as their enthusiasm for the President has been shown lacking.

Meanwhile, as Mr. Zimmerman remains in hiding for his safety, the selective intrusions and snubs from this Administration based on race become more obvious day-after-day, as the President takes each opportunity to play the politics of division.